Unlock Your Data With Ellucian Insights

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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

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12:00–1:00 p.m. ET

Woman at stand up desk looking at monitors


Institutions are rich with data, but that information can be siloed, out of date, and unreliable. Unifying and democratizing your data is the key to informed, agile decision-making and ultimately, institutional success.

Learn how Ellucian Insights can help:

  • Provide a holistic understanding of student needs
  • Alleviate the concerns of cost-conscious students
  • Empower users with secure, personalized dashboards
  • Meet departmental data needs without requiring IT
  • Set a future-ready foundation for advanced analytics

Featured Speakers

Presenter Lana Ludanova

Lana Ludanova
Dir. of Enterprise Applications & Integration,
Massachusetts College of Art and Design

Presenter Stephen Pelc

Stephen Pelc
Senior Director of Product Management, Ellucian

Presenter Ellen Mayes

Ellen Mayes
Business Development Director, Ellucian

Presenter Jennifer Dunker

Jennifer Dunker
Senior Solutions Consultant

Presenter FN LN


Presenter FN LN


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